Institution | Account | Interest Rate | 10-year return on P1m |
BPI | #SaveUp Peso Savings | 0.0925% | P1,009,288.60 |
BDO | Peso Savings ATM | 0.0625% | P1,006,267.61 |
MetroBank | Regular Savings | 0.0625% | P1,006,267.61 |
LBP | ATM Savings Account | 0.05% | P1,005,011.27 |
Maya | Savings | 3.5% | P1,410,598.76 |
On the other hand, we have time deposits. Time deposits are fixed-income securities — contracts with a principal, interest rate, and maturity date. In this case, time deposit account owners deposit a principal, from which they receive back in full plus interest by the maturity date. The principal must not be touched by the depositor until the maturity date. Consequences for withdrawal from the time deposit account depend on the product being offered.
For example, BPI has a number of time deposit products. The simplest Plan Ahead Time Deposit is a 5 year contract with a P50,000 minimum deposit. Unfortunately, the website delegates interest rate offerings to the individual branches, so one has to consult a branch to find out the interest rate for this product. Another BPI time deposit product, the Auto Renew Time Deposit has interest rates readily available, however.
Required Daily Balance to Earn Interest | 35 days | 63 days | 91 days | 182 days | 365 days |
Php 50,000 — Php 499,999 | 0.2500% | 0.2500% | 0.3750% | 0.3750% | 0.5000% |
Php 500,000 — Php 999,999 | 0.3750% | 0.5000% | 0.5000% | 0.5000% | 0.5000% |
Php 1,000,000 — Php 4,999,999 | 0.3750% | 0.5000% | 0.5000% | 0.5000% | 0.5000% |
Php 5,000,000 and above | 0.5000% | 0.6250% | 0.6250% | 0.7500% | 0.7500% |
As one can see, the maximum interest one can earn from this time deposit product is 0.75%, available only through a 1-year maturity period on a Php 5,000,000 balance. This is not a small chunk of change, especially with Philippine wages. According to the PSA, the average wage in 2022 was P18,423. Forget saving — to even earn P5m on that kind of wage, one needs to work for 22.6 years.
Meanwhile, Maya’s Time Deposit Plus product offers 5.5%, 6%, and 5.75% interest rate based on maturity periods of 3/6/12 months, with a deposit amount of P5,000 — P1,000,000. Additionally, one can open 5 Time Deposit Plus accounts on a single Maya account to effectively earn 6% interest on a maximum of Php 5,000,000. This is a much more flexible product than BPI’s, and it offers massively higher returns.
Other banks also offer time deposit products, but they’re similar enough to BPI’s and Maya’s products that they’re not worth covering. BDO offers up to 0.25% for everything below P1m. MetroBank has an “Online Time Deposit” that says to offer up to 4.5%.
Another product is the Modified Pag-IBIG II Savings (MP2) account. They label it as a savings account, but it has a 5-year maturity period. 70% of Pag-IBIG’s annual net income goes towards Pag-IBIG Savings account holders as dividends, proportioned on contribution. Of course, this means the “interest rate” isn’t fixed, but rather, derived from the performance of the Pag-IBIG Fund. Since its inception in 2011, the MP2 product has returned anywhere from 4.58% in 2013 to its high of 8.11% in 2017. 2023’s return was 7.05%. Being dependent on the annual earnings of the Pag-IBIG Fund, returns are not fixed and hold within them a certain amount of risk. The product can outperform Maya Time Deposit Plus rates one year, and also barely protect you from inflation the next.
Retail Treasury Bonds 30 (RTB30), on the other hand, is a fixed-income security based on treasury bonds. They have a 5-year maturity period and offer a fixed rate of 6.25% annual return. You deposit the principal once, and interest is credited to you quarterly until the bond matures.
RTB30s have the advantage of being fixed-rate and essentially zero-risk — after all, they quite literally represent debt the government owes you. If the Republic of the Philippines is unable to pay off its debt to you, well, the Republic has fallen, and there is no use dabbling and worrying about fancy financial instruments when your country has already collapsed.
A fixed return of 6.25% offers a clearer picture of the gains one can make, as opposed to a product like MP2. It is important to note however that MP2, being backed by Pag-IBIG, is still relatively low-risk and less volatile than commodities and stocks.
That’s all the information I had to talk about. Everything here I’ve discussed was a result of a weeks’ worth of messy Google searches, Reddit post readings from obscure subreddits, and rewatchings of The Big Short. Honestly, it’s been extremely entertaining. I’m excited to learn more about how the money system works and how best I can take advantage of it.